Melvor Idle > General Discussions > Topic Details. Township Experience = Population * ( 1 + Happiness Percent ) / 3. Storage: Storehouse • Warehouse • Repository • Large Repository. My Township has 110 population, I have 83,000 storage maxed out and plenty (400+) of everything I can currently make. But now I've adapted to the interface, figured out how much and what resources I need to produce to increase population, storage, and the resource I choose to export. Me and a friend hit it, we used map 11 with terran and spiked our population growth as hard as we could I got my population to 13k and his was around the same From the SS you have your happiness is way too high and education too low, it's mainly been about balancing the highest population you can while keeping 100% happiness and. Base Cost: 2,600 , 300 , 226. Other Minor Content and additions will be added alongside these updates. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. One possible way to change the inventory management: Instead of having 1 single Storage for all resources, have separate maximum storage for each resource. . When I go to check the next level of things they all require 200 population. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Melvor Idle > General Discussions > Topic Details. Information about your town's population can be found in the top left corner of the screen: - Population is the number of residents living in your town at the moment. 2. Had to restart my town as well. Confused with township tiles Currently following this guide ( Melvor Township Spreadsheet - Builds - Google Drive ), but I am confused with the tile count - mountain biome has 129 tiles available in-game, but the guide already shows 164 Miners Quarries (and 9 repos + 23 halls). Population now defines the XP you gain per Town Update. 将森林留给资源类建筑,将山地留给矿坑,除此之外的建筑建造在. My question is what do I do to get my population to 200 when I do not need. Content Expansion Update??? Yet to Start. My question is what do I do to get my population to 200 when I do not need. Storehouse • Warehouse • Repository • Large Repository. My hope/guess is that it will be a combination of Construction and Kingdom of Miscellenia where you build things for a town and get resource output from it with a gold deposit paying workers and such. A lot of people keep saying that township is very expensive to get high end returns but this build shows it is achievable for really cheap and returns 100% of the investment in just a single day once it's all set up. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. So you can accumulate a day worth of ticks and then spend them in 5 minutes to get 4 traders one after another (96+12 ticks apart). - Depending on your biome you may want to skip. Players will experience a fresh take on much-loved and familiar idle. Happiness: Tavern • Gardens. Storehouses should then be changed to a percentage upgrade. Happiness now increases your Population by (Happiness)%, and can go over 100%. It's fun to progress while I progress. My happiness is 111/218. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. Kagomeguy Dec 28, 2022 @ 3:54pm. A few Township tasks require sending items to the town. The Clothier is a Township building that produces Clothing. Date Posted: Oct 18, 2022 @ 3:18am. Hotfixed - caps at 80%. Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. Take ragnar and maybe map 11 its what i did and just build houses with max tax rate/food reductions and use jungle for orchards as your food production when u unlock. Explore. Worship: Chapel • Statue of Worship. Money making with township. I was not getting charged any upkeep for the stuff I had built before. Hence x200 for 2000 worship. This page was last edited on 16 May 2023, at 13:40. This update includes all of the free content mentioned in previous announcements which include , Official Cross-Platform Mod Support, and more! Before we get into the release notes, I’d like to put out a massive thank you to those who made this. We are a community of players who work together to contribute and share information. New houses (Estates) and storage building (Large Repository) are available at 13K population and level 110 Township. Construction will begin once you've confirmed it. Township Rework - Population I had no problems understanding and managing my town's population before the rework, but now it seems like my population is capped around 1500? My township is almost level 80 and I haven't been able to purchase any of the new buildings that require 2500 population. In return, you will receive Township Skill XP, Township Resources, GP, Slayer Coins, or items. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. I only recently stared this game in the past week. My happiness is 111/218. Can only build certain buildings in certain areas, have to juggle food, happiness, clothing, coal, ticks for a trader, storage space. Online discussions and the wiki mention that having a smaller amount of your max population filled greatly increases the chance of population increase, but I've been at 2/24 for 3 straight days with 100%. Education increases your resource production rates by (Education)%, and can go over 100%; The Max Skillcape now. Trying to hit 13000 which would mean building another 120 manors. Plus, this stupid idea with the aging of people, when with a population of 4000, 1700 can work,. Melvor Idle - Inspired by RuneScape, Melvor Idle takes the core of what makes an adventure game so addictive and strips it down to its purest form!Master Melvor’s many RuneScape-style skills with just a click or a tap. Okay fine that’s perfect just gotta do the math to perfect my space. 5% tax AND reduced happiness. tl;dr; - god choice is very important, try playing around what your god is good at. 1. Gotcha. : +180. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. As an example, give a small base amount of storage for each resource by default: 400 for wood, 300 for stone, 100 for herbs, etc. Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. It's now at positive. I have all the buildings maxed out, except some Trading Posts. . I have all the buildings maxed out, except some Trading Posts. Happiness: Tavern • Gardens. Provides: +10. Online discussions and the wiki mention that having a smaller amount of your max population filled greatly increases the chance of population increase, but I've been at 2/24 for 3 straight days with 100%. Upgrade ChartThe Township Rework is finally here! Read here for details, as well as general changes and bug fixes1. Im at lv 84 in Township. I've restarted the town twice so far, but still no luck. In Planning. 1. The Chapel is a Township building that increases Worship . Herblore potions give a chance to get an extra potion of any rank. Township; Population: Basic Shelter • Wooden Hut • House • Cottage • Large Cottage • Manor • Estate. Whatever biome you selected should have more land now. The township spreadsheet is still being maintained and works to the latest version. I have included possible set-ups involving these. Other Minor Content and additions will be added alongside these updates. The Statue of Bane is a Township building that increases Worship. Once I hit 13000 population and upgrade all my buildings could I then drop below 13000 population and focus only on resource production? Since I have a lot of workers not working with 13000 population as the housing takes up a lot of my space. For best township xp, try to maximize population while staying at 100% happiness at all times. With a pop cap of 5850 I. Township;. From Level 35, the Chapel may also be used to increase Worship . The Miners Estate is a Township building that produces Stone, Ore, and Coal. Im at lv 84 in Township. Problem with township worker mechanics. 29600/25900 happiness, 45% education, 95% health. The Trading Post is a Township building. Education: School • Large School • Academy • Large Academy Library. We want this, we need this. Education: School • Large School • Academy • Large Academy Library. There may be other multipliers too, IDK. Blackwolfe. When I go to check the next level of things they all require 200 population. Township; Population: Basic Shelter • Wooden Hut • House • Cottage • Large Cottage • Manor • Estate. If you get something as a drop, you can get it from the trader, so you could theoretically get things from combat, tasks or thieving that you don't have the level for and mass produce with township. *The cost of bank slots, C b increases with the number of slots purchased, n by: C b = ⌊ 132 728 500 × ( n + 2) 142 015 ( 163 122 + n) ⌋. Maxing 20+ skills has never been more zen. It is greyed out, and appears. 2. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. My Township has 110 population, I have 83,000 storage maxed out and plenty (400+) of everything I can currently make. Im at lv 84 in Township. When I go to check the next level of things they all require 200 population. This is due to release on 2nd February, roughly 12-24 hours after this post. I have all the buildings maxed out, except some Trading Posts. Melvor Idle is that, an idle game, and one that does not require too much brain. The School is a Township building that increases Education, which in turn increases resource production additively with other production bonuses. If you haven’t found it yet just write on google: melvor township 300m And its going to be the first link Reply Straight-Mark-2307. Careful with taps then and expect a few restarts. Will I need to max out my lands?How in the world do I increase my max population in Township? I'm at 10k with 404 manors built . 2 ). Biomes: Grasslands. I have all the buildings maxed out, except some Trading Posts. 1. Ragnar for even more GP, Terran for an easier experience. - Main article: Trading Post. taskCategories, category) local. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. At 81 township I'm at 185m per trader, or 550m per day. Education: School • Large School • Academy • Large Academy Library. Per page: 15 30 50. Happiness: Tavern • Gardens. Mobile-Independent28 • 9 mo. But Township is the worst kind of micromanaging. Dead Storage now decays 1% every 1 hour of Ticks (Used to be 20% every 24 hours). The repair button for an individual buoldibg doesnt show up till you fully upgrade that building otherwise its just an upgrade buttion which repairs anyways. Join. Apr 18 @ 6:20am. I have all the buildings maxed out, except some Trading Posts. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. It is mainly used for initial food production, before the player can afford to build the more expensive and higher production Fishermans Dock -type buildings. I wish to experience new township on my existing character. Biomes: Grasslands. Township attempts to be a completely separate game, crammed into Melvor Idle as a non-combat skill. Inspired by RuneScape, Melvor Idle takes the core of what makes an adventure game so addictive and…This page was last edited on 22 November 2022, at 21:55. My question is what do I do to get my population to 200 when I do not need. The Plantation is a Township building that produces Food. Than what's the point of grinding these gear considering how much time you need to get them. Township weirdness Out of nowhere my food production dropped to around negative 40000, i didn't buy any building that affected food usage and after the population dropped the prodution skyrocketed. Biomes: Grasslands. I only recently stared this game in the past week. Melvor Idle @MelvorIdle. Is there a complete township guide? I strongly dislike the township system and i dont really want to bother with it but im going for a completionist hardcore run and im looking for a full guide on how to put township to good use without using my brain at all. If you currently have available workers you need to tick for them to start working on a resource. Im at lv 84 in Township. Complete Necromancers Palace. The Cool Rocks is a Township building that allows the player to purchase various rock pets from the Shop . Township. Base Cost: 1. 2. The game is currently version v1. Also, +population ticks are guaranteed through 40% of your max population, then the chance. How do i get to that if it doesnt increase at all?Its been weeks and my population don't go above 8646. Note that the denominator function is 142,015 raised to the exponent of 163 / (122 + n), not a multiplication. I just started playing Melvor last week, but I've noticed my Township population never increases. avp2501 Oct 18, 2022 @ 6:43am. Township; Population: Basic Shelter • Wooden Hut • House • Cottage • Large Cottage • Manor • Estate. My Township has 110 population, I have 83,000 storage maxed out and plenty (400+) of everything I can currently make. 3. TL;DR - Pick Terran, Map 11. The buildings that are not maxed out asks for 15k or 40k population. When I go to check the next level of things they all require 200 population. View full event information here: Melvor Idle Announcement Apr 11. 1. Population now defines the XP you gain per Town Update. This building's production is lowest when built in the Mountains biome, however the cost of building within this biome is significantly lower than other biomes to account for this. Similar to Farming, it can be trained passively. Level 92 (Mod) • 8 mo. My Township has 110 population, I have 83,000 storage maxed out and plenty (400+) of everything I can currently make. RogueSeraph257 5 hours ago. Trading: Trading. I think putting the whole game on the app would mean he would have to push the updates through the app store every time, and i think it was just a lot of hassle right now. I am a long way from there and in just a week after only building 20 or so Houses and 2 cottages I have a. Township. 175,000.